The Benefits of Using Global Specialty Products

One of the biggest investments of your spray foam company is the equipment you operate with. Your equipment running efficiently will reduce downtime and increase your profits — solvents and cleaning solutions will make these accomplishments easier. With a variety of solvents available, deciding on the right product can be a very overwhelming decision for your company to invest in. Do not worry! IDI Distributors has a safer and more effective solution.

What are Global Specialty Products?

Global Specialty Products (GSP) are “Safer Products for a Cleaner Environment” because they contain a lower VOC content. Their “Environmental Improvement Process” continually minimizes the environmental impact of daily operations, including waste minimization programs. GSP standards strive for safer alternatives, such as highly performance-driven and cost-effective products that result in total customer satisfaction, innovative environmental solutions, dynamic response and unparalleled quality. GSP has provided alternative and safer solutions for products such as Dynasolve, MEK, Acetones, and more. Not only do they provide safer and effective options, but they are also a disposal source that will make your solvent disposal process easier!

Our Global Specialty Products

In order to encourage more environmentally friendly processes for our contractors, IDI supplies solvent-based polyurethane foam, resin cleaners, lubricant and equipment storage fluid that meet GSP standards.

Solvent-Based Polyurethane Foam & Resin Cleaners

  • FOAM OFF-MP™: Polyurethane Foam Cleaner (Removal of Flexible & Rigid Polyurethane Foam and Adhesives): Cleaner for cured rigid spray foam, a replacement for MEK and Acetone.
  • SURF X FLUSH 2000™: Polyurethane Foam & Resin Remover (Part A & B): Flushing or immersion solvent great for your equipment, pumps, cutters, guns, or feed lines. Great at loosening cured foam deposits.
  • NZD ISO FLUSH™: Isocyanates Resin Cleaner (Part A)- Removal solvent for part A that can help remove or loosen hardened ISO from your spray foam equipment.
  • CIRR D-BOND™: Crystalized Isocyanates Resin Remover (Crystalized Part A & B)- Immersion cleaner for spray foam equipment that has been sitting for months or longer.

Equipment Storage Fluid

  • SURF A LUBE™: Equipment Storage Fluid (non-Hydroscopic, VOC-Exempt): Used as a storage or plasticizer for your equipment (mothballing). Can store up to 12 months.


  • SURF A SEAL™: Coalescent (non-Phthalate) aka SSC ™ Liquid: Designed to protect packings and bearings from damage. TSL replacement.

Disposal of Global Specialty Products

All products manufactured by Global Specialty Products USA, Inc. are considered eco-friendly, non-hazardous liquid (solvent-based, aqueous-based and soy-based), recyclable, and free of ingredients listed on California PROP 65 and HAPs. These products offer high resin loading, and once loaded with various kinds of soils, they become “spent” and may fall under the hazardous waste category. It is imperative that the removal of this liquid waste is outsourced by a direct, reputable and resourceful chemical waste management/hauler to characterize the waste and disposal of it according to the state and local EPA regulations.

Recommended Waste Management Companies

Below is a recommended partial list of waste management companies, however, we are confident there are other qualified ones in your area. We strongly recommend you do your own due diligence by checking off every step you need to pick the right partner to manage and haul away your liquid waste.

  • Triumvirate
  • Stericycle acquires PSC Environmental Services, LLC,
  • Eldredge
  • Covanta Environmental Solutions
  • Hazwaste Solutions, LLC
  • Univar Solutions

Check out our April promotions and feel free to reach out to your local IDI rep if you need more information on these products!

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