SPF Rigs Education Video & Blog Mini-Series

By: Aaron Franzen (Spray Foam Equipment & Tech Manager)


Getting into the insulation business is an investment. The insulation industry is growing and changing rapidly, and with that, the number of new companies getting into the industry is increasing. This business is not for everyone. Doing it right costs a lot of money. Our best advice? Take the time to educate yourself!

Follow along with our educational SPF rig blogs and video series — SPF Rig Series: Tips Before You Buy! — to better understand what you need to get started with your spray foam business plan.

Ask for personalized help from one of our spray foam rig and equipment specialists. IDI is here to help you find the right equipment and supplies to jumpstart your insulation business.

Contact Our Rig Specialists

There’s a substantial investment involved in the insulation industry, and there are two ways to understand the decision process that goes into purchasing a spray foam rig:

  1. Does my business plan identify enough capital to invest in fiberglass or SPF rigs and equipment that my business can grow into?
  2. Does my business plan identify less equipment capital, with plans to show a profit and upgrade our fiberglass or SPF rigs and equipment in 3 years?

Having a plan for equipment purchases as your company grows is imperative if you’re going to continue to meet demand

I was once in the position of making important spray foam business plan decisions, as were many of our certified experts at IDI. Our team at IDI has seen it all. So, if you’re having trouble answering these basic questions about your insulation business, give us a call. We’ll educate you on the basics and help you establish an effective plan. We strive to help our partners grow sustainably and successfully through education.

Learn more about starting a spray foam insulation business.

Introducing Our Mini-Series: Purchasing Spray Foam Rigs & Trailers

Read the Full Series:

Read our full rig series to determine what type of SPF rig you should invest in to get the most ROI. Learn about the important factors that should go into your rig purchase decision — and how they could affect your rig’s performance on the job and your profitability!

  1. Important SPF Rig Weight & Capacity Considerations
  2. How to Choose the Right Air Filtration System
  3. Air Pressure & Volume — Is Your Equipment Sized for Optimal Performance?
  4. Choosing SPF Equipment With the Best ROI
  5. Choosing Power and Auxiliary Equipment
  6. Other Cost-Saving Considerations

What You Should Know:

This series will focus on the equipment required to install SPF correctly. These requirements are not something we’ve made up — they’re set forth by the manufacturers in our industry.

By starting with the required equipment and educating entrepreneurs on how to make a successful decision, we’re setting them up for profitable growth and high-quality insulation work.

What We’re Seeing:
Some suppliers are looking to profit off pure volume by selling improper equipment. That equipment often doesn’t meet the recommendations of proper SPF and fiberglass installation. Examples we’re seeing:

  • Ex.1 — Industry professionals agree that SPF chemicals should be warmed to a certain temperature before application. However, we often see entrepreneurs get roped into buying a rig without insulation, temperature-controlling equipment or a rig equipped with a heater that is too small to perform properly.
  • Ex. 2 — Insulation equipment needs a proper power source to run. However, some suppliers sell undersized power plants which cause expensive electrical damage.
  • Ex. 3 — SPF rigs are sold with the idea that they can be operated on day one and produce massive profits. In reality, equipment is sold every day without proper training. This is an investment, and it takes time to learn the proper way to use it. Training allows you to achieve ess product waste and provide more secure insulation giving you a better ROI (return on investment) and more referrals.

Using a spray foam rig improperly leads to the exact opposite intended effect: more wasted product, lower-performing foam, and unhappy clients. Make sure you get both your equipment and training from your supplier. If they don’t know how to use it, you should question if they are a trustworthy source.

Do These Examples Sound Familiar to You?
If so, we’ve got solutions that can turn your situation around and set you up for success. In addition to our wide selection of quality products, supplies, equipment and SPF rigs, our certified insulation experts can provide you with hands-on training at each of our nationwide locations. We also put on numerous training sessions across the nation.

Didn’t buy a rig from us yet? No worries! Any contractor can sign up for our training sessions. Find a Session near you.

If the supplier you choose to work with doesn’t take the time to educate you and your crew on the new products, capabilities, or potential hazards, how would you ever know you’re set up for failure?

Most don’t know the questions they need to ask, and not all suppliers take the time to say, “Here are the things you need to know about SPF Rigs and equipment.”

The Biggest Problem We’re Seeing in the Industry Today

Many new entrepreneurs are searching for knowledge and expertise to purchase SPF rigs and equipment.

With the fierce competition in our industry, many entrepreneurs are getting into the business without proper education from a knowledgeable supplier. Instead, they are looking for the cheapest way to make a quick sale. This poses a real problem for our industry. Unhealthy competition is deteriorating profitability and work ethics, and it needs to be addressed. This is why IDI stands behind educating and supporting our customers, regardless of their experience.

What Can You Do to Ensure You’ve Got The Equipment and Knowledge You Need for Success?

IDI’s Trusted Solution:
At IDI Distributors, we cannot wait to guide you through the process of investing in an insulation rig and educating you on the best practices for success! Our educational SPF rig video and blog series will lay out the details of buying a rig and what to expect during the ownership of your rig.

To Get Started, Read Our Rig Series:
In our rig series, you’ll learn about your rig options, how certain things can limit your company’s capabilities and describe what can go wrong. We want entrepreneurs to complete the series with an understanding of what it takes to be profitable in the insulation business.

We will highlight the details of every subsystem of an SPF rig and how the complete system works when done correctly. You’ll learn how these details can increase profitability and shorten the ROI on your new investment.

We will also be diving into specific SPF rig and trailer figures to show you how important some of these considerations can be. What if your company could generate 10-15% more revenue based on these considerations? This could drastically improve the chances of your business being successful.

Contact your local IDI rep today to get an idea of what equipment you’ll need for the type of contract work you’ll be performing. While you’re at it, take a look at our custom and stock SPF rig options today to get a feel for what you need.


Interested in a custom-built spray foam insulation trailer or rig? We understand there is a lot of different options available from equipment, trailer size, capabilities, accessories, all the way to financing. Our experts will walk you through the process to ensure you are confident your spray foam insulation trailer or rig can actually do the jobs you will be using it on. Reach out today and learn why insulation contractors choose IDI for their spray foam insulation equipment needs.

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Have a question on anything insulation, pricing, or want to place an order? With hundreds of products and countless services, our experts will help walk you through the process of getting ready for your next project. Get in contact with our team today for help and guidance on the right products and best techniques for you and your business.