Air quality is something overlooked in many spray foam rigs. Using the proper treatment can increase your air quality, allowing you to increase yield, and the overall functionality of your equipment, resulting in more profit for you! Our line of air quality equipment will help your rig run at a high level for years to come.
IAT – RD25 | SPX 25 CFM Refrigerated Air Dryer, Elec Auto Drain, 115V, 120 Degree Inlet (Use with Aftercooler), 110F – 45F Ambient Temp Range.
IAT – RD35 | SPX 35 CFM Refrigerated Air Dryer, Elec Auto Drain, 115V, 120 Degree Inlet (Use with Aftercooler), 110F – 45F Ambient Temp Range.
IAT – RD50 | SPX 50 CFM Refrigerated Air Dryer, Elec Auto Drain, 115V, 120 Degree Inlet (Use with Aftercooler), 110F – 45F Ambient Temp Range.
IAT – M – 15 – AL – FAN | 50 CFM Air After Cooler, 115 – 120V
IAT – M – 20 – AL – FAN | Air Cooler 90 CFM ALU w/ Fan
HTDN25 | SPX 25 CFM, 180 Degree InletRefridgerated Air Dryer, 115V
DHT – 50 | 50 CFM, 205 Degree Inlet Refrigerated Air Dryer
U90036 | MORSE Electric Dryer for Screw Compressor: High Inlet Temp Capable (40 CFM)