R-Value Podcast

Get To The Next Level with Spray Foam Advisor – Episode 12

Get To The Next Level with Spray Foam Advisor

As always, you are in for another episode packed with valuable information. Today, Travis, Don and Aaron welcome Robert Naini, of Spray Foam Advisor. His company provides information for SPF business owners, salespeople, applicators, and distributors, with the goal to improve efficiency and generate more profit through their training and learning techniques.

Listen to this wide-ranging conversation about the shortage of skilled labor. The shortage can effect cost, efficiency and in the long-term, be a huge drag on the entire industry. The challenge is how to avoid this shortage and Robert discusses how recruiting, education, a focus on retention and investing in people can do just that. A key is to break out of the old mindset that the only “good jobs” are ones that require a college degree, and show younger people the value of having a job in industry.

Aaron Franzen, Don Clymer, Travis Pankake

Have No Fear of Fire with IFTI/Paint To Protect – Episode 11

Have No Fear of Fire with IFTI/Paint To Protect

There’s no worse tragedy that can happen to your home or business than a fire. And there is one company out there that is dedicated to putting that fear to rest.

Travis Pankake and Don Clymer invited their good friends Gary Wolf, Brad Glazier, and Nick McCartney from IFTI/Paint to Protect, manufacturer of the industry leading DC315 intumescent coating, 15-minute thermal barrier and Ignition barrier fire protection of spray foam insulation.

This group of experts gives in depth information about all of their products, the right questions to ask when looking at fireproofing, new continuous insulation systems, what other providers may be trying to hide and above all, that with Paint to Protect, the proof is in the testing. No one in the business is as stringent with their testing and applicator training. You know that when you choose IFTI, you won’t have to worry about meeting code, passing inspection or suffering loss from fire.

Don Clymer, Travis Pankake

Questions to Ask Your Insurance Provider Today with SPF Insurance Group – Episode 10

Questions to Ask Your Insurance Provider Today with SPF Insurance Group

When a small business starts to grow, they soon realize how much comes along with that growth. The intricacies of hiring, benefits, workers comp, payroll and so much more can be overwhelming.

Have you properly protected your equipment and your business with the right insurance coverage? Not having the right coverage on your spray foam rig could set your business back or even end it.

Join Travis, Don and Aaron as they discuss the myriad of options and benefits of insuring your spray foam rig and your business with Craig and Kirk Campbell of SPF Insurance Group.

SPF has been helping people get insurance in one form or another for over 103 years. Craig and Kirk’s in-depth knowledge and experience in the industry, allows them to provide the exact coverage their clients need. There are so many types of policies that many people don’t even know about, or why they should have them. Coverage for trailers vs. commercial auto, trailer contents, chemicals, over-spray, harmful odor, injury, the list goes on.

You don’t have to be in the dark about insurance and you can protect your business from the worst case scenario.

Aaron Franzen, Don Clymer, Travis Pankake

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