Did you know the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) HOMES and Electrification rebates are going to require you to be able to income qualify your customers? If you plan on offering your customers rebates or incentives from the IRA bill, make sure you watch the highlights from the latest Building Performance association webinar. The Department of Energy is finishing up their rules/guidelines. That means right now is the time to get prepared. You need to be ready to adapt your business if you want to make the money. To be at the front of the pact you need to understand things like Income verification and getting involved with your state energy offices. This is exactly why staying connected to IDI and the Building Performance Association is so important.
For those of you who weren’t part of the congressional outreach campaign or are not familiar with Kara Saul Rinaldi, she is the president of the President/CEO of AnnDyl Policy Group and one of the leading energy and climate policy experts. Not to mention the fact that she was the main advocate for our industry and leader in getting the HOMES portion of the IRA passed. As the foremost expert on this legislation, she has the answers you need to know. She is also joined by Promise Pay, a leading provider of income verification services. Be sure to listen to the excerpts from the latest webinar and be sure to stay connected.
For more information on the Inflation Reduction Act, be sure to visit IDI’s page, the Ultimate Guide to The Inflation Reduction Act. If you would like more information on Training, Spray Foam, Fiberglass, or any of the products we carry, reach out to your local branch, online, or to anyone at IDI, where we look forward to earning your business every day.