Commercial Retrofit Trainings

Join us at our in-depth Commercial Insulation and Retrofit Classes for hands-on learning and expert demonstrations to elevate your building expertise.

With the growing focus on energy efficiency, employee retention, healthy buildings, and significant rebates like the 179D, this class can position you as a leader in your field. From strip malls to airports, the surge in commercial retrofits is happening for good reason. Air leaks are more than just wasted energy—they are pathways for contaminants, leading to unhealthy and uncomfortable buildings. This affects productivity, safety, building integrity, employee retention, tenant turnover, and occupancy rates.

Understanding how to properly air seal, insulate, and address common building issues not only makes buildings safer and more desirable, but it also increases rental income and the overall value of the property. Additionally, successful completion of one project often leads to more opportunities and further projects.

Come join us for two tactical & knowledge filled days on the most common, and not so common fixes, as well as tips & tricks on installing commercial insulation products. In addition to learning the testing and repair techniques, we will explore how to identify potential projects, understand what motivates building owners to undertake these projects, and how to kickstart your pipeline or lead generation in your area.

From bidding to building testing, experts will provide both in-class and hands-on instruction. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Sign up here on the IDI training page.

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Have a question on anything insulation, pricing, or want to place an order? With hundreds of products and countless services, our experts will help walk you through the process of getting ready for your next project. Get in contact with our team today for help and guidance on the right products and best techniques for you and your business.