As we strive to build healthier buildings, one of the main chemicals we have tried to eliminate from construction products has been formaldehyde. Green builders have certainly expressed their concerns with it.
Read MoreAs we strive to build healthier buildings, one of the main chemicals we have tried to eliminate from construction products has been formaldehyde. Green builders have certainly expressed their concerns with it.
Read MoreTesting and verification of products play a critical role in consumer safety. From vehicles to medicine, to spray foam, everyone wants to be confident that the product they get is the same as the one that met all of the safety and performance testing when the product was approved for use.
Read MoreThere have been many changes in SPF suppliers and equipment in the last few years; many manufacturers are surfacing with different options, colors, functionalities, services, and more. As IDI’s Spray Foam Equipment Manager, I’ve helped several people find the right rig and equipment for their businesses.
Read MoreAlmost 40% of new homes constructed in 2016 had a HERS rating; according to RESNET, that totaled a record breaking 206,583 homes. HERS ratings and ERI scores are gaining popularity with consumers, and rightfully so.
Read MoreWhen installing intumescent coatings, it is crucial to spray them effectively and accurately. With the help of Paint to Protect, IDI put together this handy guide for ease of application along with some cold weather DC315 tips to get you through the winter months.
Read MoreWhen was the last time you checked the rebate programs available locally? If you’re a contractor, doing a little research to get familiar with the offers and programs available is well worth the effort. Knowing about a money-saving rebate your customer can take advantage of can be a great way to close a deal.
Read MoreSpray foam chemical spills are not fun to think about, but they are a legitimate concern. What happens if you have a spill at your job site or in your warehouse? Are you prepared? Are your employees prepared? Have you prepared your new hires? You have monthly safety meetings, don’t you? (If not, we’ll discuss that another time…)
Read MoreOur mission at IDI has always been to provide our customers with the service, support, and products they need to succeed. We’re thrilled to kick off the new year with some exciting announcements for our spray foam customers that will allow us to carry out that mission in new and improved ways.
Read MoreWe are thrilled to announce that we have recently joined forces with Kevin Distributing Inc. (KDI) as of January 2017. KDI is a full line distributor of spray polyurethane foam insulation (SPF) and equipment, parts, and supporting services based out of Montana.
Read MoreIDI is your source for all insulation tips & tricks! From informational blogs and videos, resources to innovate and stay profitable, to special promotions, our once-a-month newsletter keeps you up to speed on everything happening in the world of insulation. Subscribe today!