Big Profits In Basement Blanket Insulation

The Opportunity Down Below…

How many basements are in your area? Do you get calls for sealing rim joists, and sometimes insulating newly framed walls? But So, what about offering a budget conscious, high performance, basement makeover? What about, Basement Blanket Insulation?

Check out our video on basement blanket installation:

When done by a crew that pays attention to detail, this product takes an unfinished space and makes it look bright, clean, and comfortable. It’s almost like standing inside a white pillowy down jacket. Many customers have a tight budget and compared to framing out a basement, this is a low cost solution that offers far more benefits than just painting the walls.

The installation is fast, and the tools required are minimal. In our video, we use both tape and adhesive. This certainly is not required, but when offered as an upcharge to the homeowner, most prefer to take the extra step in order to make sure the install looks beautiful for years to come.

Basement blanket insulation is offered various thicknesses based on R-value, and can be ordered with both perforated and un-perforated facers. Most people choose to go with perforated, which allows any moisture vapor that gets behind it to dry to the inside. As for fasteners, we used powder actuated pins in the video, but gas driven pins like the ones used in the Insulfast T3 gun work just as well and would be flush with the facer when installed.

As a side note, be sure to seal up all penetrations in the walls and rim joist prior to covering them up when installing the insulation. This can be done easily with gun foam such as Soudal All Season foam or any of the others.

Lastly, be sure to get before and after shots for your portfolio. This low cost insulation solution changes the look so dramatically; you will want to show it to prospective clients every time you get the opportunity.

For more information on basement blanket or any of the products we carry, reach out to your local branch or contact us here at the corporate office. Our goal is to help you grow your business profitably and we look forward to doing that every day.

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